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Long Distance Rides

Sometimes the only hope for a shelter animal is a rescue that’s pretty far away….and today, thanks to social media, many fosters and adopters are finding animals they really want, but that are not in their state or locale. Whatever the case, The Rescue Riders will do everything we can to get those animals where they want to go. We are experts at long transports, providing food and water, bathroom breaks and comfort for our animal passengers.

Depending on the distance, sometimes the only way to get an animal where it needs to go is to fly. We know this can be a bit daunting and even downright scary. We can help you make this happen. We know which airlines are reliable and can be trusted as well as the rules and regulations for animal air transport. We can assist you in making sure your animal has the right paperwork, health certificates and is in the right kind of TSA-approved carrier to safely make the trip. Whenever possible, we prefer to fly with the animal in the cabin. When this is not possible due to the size of the animal, we can provide our Animal Escort Service, staying with the animal through the security and check-in process at the airport, making sure the animal is safely moved from one plane to another on non-direct flights, collecting the animal once the destination is reached and arranging to meet with you to personally put the animal in your care.

If you’re moving and need getting your pets to your new home, we can help with that too…whether you are relocating in California or to another state.